Fordwich Town Council


The Town Council is consulted on a wide range of issues which affect life within the community, such as local planning applications, highway matters and tree preservation.  If you have a problem or issue that you think a member of the Town Council can help with, then please contact that Councillor or the Town Clerk.


The Council meets on the last Wednesday of each month, with the exception of August and December.  The time and place of forthcoming meetings is posted on the town notice boards together with the agenda.  If you have an issue that you would like the Council to consider then please contact your local Councillor or the Town Clerk.  You are also welcome to attend Town Council meetings; time is set aside for residents to speak or ask questions.


There is a Neighbourhood Watch system within the town.  If you wish to participate, then please contact one of your local Councillors, who will put you in touch with the co-ordinator.


Under the terms of the Local Government Act 2000 a Register of Interests is available for inspection at the monthly Town Council meetings or by arrangement with the Clerk.